Spotting the signs yourself & others

Spotting the signs in yourself & others

It’s not always straightforward to spot the signs in someone who is struggling, nor is it easy to spot the signs in ourselves either.

We wanted to share some videos, resources and information that may help you be curious about what signs can look like in different people. Also, to help you recognise some of those feelings you may be feeling, and that you don’t understand.

If you find anything that’s helped you we’d love you to share it and comment below ⬇️

Movember – How to spot signs of poor mental health

The Charlie Waller Trust – Spotting the signs

Homecare – Spotting the signs

mind – Depression signs & symptoms

Young minds – Signs & symptoms

Men’s Health magazine article – Spotting the Signs of depression in Us and Others

Head above water – spotting the signs of depression

Dr Julie – 1-minute video on the signs of depression

Supporting your children

Supporting your children

Supporting your children:

As parents, all we want to do is keep our children and the young people in our lives safe.

We don’t have all the answers for them.

Nobody has brought up your child, at this time, with your considerations.

There are some superb organisations & resources out there that can support you navigate the challenges together.

Young minds

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people. Driven by their experiences we campaign, research and influence policy and practice.

They also provide expert knowledge to professionals, parents and young people through their Parents’ Helpline and online resources.

NSPCC – Supotting the signs in your children

Active Listening

Active Listening

Active listening:

❔How much do you actively listen when in a conversation with someone?

❔How often do you feel like the person you’re talking to, is listening to understand you, rather than just to respond?

❔How often do you feel the person you’re talking to is genuinely interested in what you’re saying, and how do they show that?

Active listening can be a HUGELY beneficial tool in our toolbox for life, work and sport.

5 benefits of active listening…

1️⃣ Active Listening Builds Trust and Strong Relationships.

2️⃣ Active Listening Can Help You to Resolve Conflict.

3️⃣ Active Listening Prevents You From Missing Important Information.

4️⃣ Active Listening Enables You To Identify or Anticipate Problems.

5️⃣ Active Listening Helps You To Build a Deeper Connection

5 examples of active listening techniques …

1️⃣ Noticing (and using) non-verbal cues

2️⃣ Asking open-ended questions to encourage further responses

3️⃣ Paraphrasing and reflecting back on what has been said

4️⃣ Listening to understand rather than to respond

5️⃣ Withholding judgment and advice

We would love to hear your thoughts on active listening.

The Speakeasy bench

The Speakeasy Bench

Our mission is to place a Speakeasy bench in every community sports venue in the world.

It’s human nature to crave that sense of belonging to something. A sense that we’ve lost over the last few years. Working with community sports venues across the world, we aim to create a focal point for people to come together and connect through the sport.

That’s where the Huddle bench came in.
Sport has the undeniable power to not only enhance lives but save lives too. We’re not supposed to know everything that goes on inside our heads, being curious helps us to identify where we belong, and understand what our clubhouse, looks & feels like.

Each bench will have a QR code, that once scanned, takes you directly to our online clubhouse, where you can access amongst other things, free well-being resources for you and your teammates. There is a story behind how each bench is built, and now is the time to tell your story.

Click here for more information

  • Why should you have a Speakeasy Bench at your venue?
  • FREE QR codes leading to FREE online Mental health resources
  • Each bench can have the colours of your venue
  • It stands out and shows it’s ok to be different
  • Got a bench at your venue already? Paint it pink and we’ll send you the QR codes!
  • It’s a safe place for people to talk and share stories
  • Get creative & build your own Speakeasy bench, Picnic bench, garden seat, tall table in the back bar. Whatever works for your venue.

Check out the video below for more benefits…..