Feedback – Giving It and Receiving It

💬 “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” 💬

Effective feedback is crucial for personal and professional growth. Here’s how to give and receive feedback constructively. Giving and receiving feedback is important in life both on and off the field.

🔍 Be specific – When giving feedback, be clear and specific about what the person did well and what areas need improvement. Avoid vague statements.

👂 Listen actively – When receiving feedback, listen without interrupting. Understand the other person’s perspective before responding.

🤝 Focus on the behavior, not the person – Address specific actions and behaviors rather than making it personal. This helps the feedback feel constructive rather than critical.

🔑 Follow up – After giving feedback, check in later to see how the person is progressing. This shows you care about their development.

Feeling hesitant about giving or receiving feedback? That’s normal. Practice and a positive mindset can help.

Things to reflect on…
❓How can you make your feedback more specific?
❓What is your usual reaction to receiving feedback?
❓How can you create a culture of constructive feedback?

We’d love to hear your experiences and tips 👇

Further Reading

For more on giving and receiving feedback, check out this article: The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback

This is a great article on biased feedback. NAn example from Kim Scott & Radocal Candorot something I’d really considered before!