How to tackle difficult conversations in the clubhouse

Tackling Difficult Conversations in the Clubhouse

“True strength lies in vulnerability.”

Choose the Right Moment –

Timing is crucial. Find a quiet moment when you’re less likely to be interrupted. 

Be Honest and Direct –

Speak from the heart and be clear about what you want to discuss. Avoid beating around the bush or sugar-coating things. Your honesty will be appreciated, even if the topic is tough.

Listen Actively –

When the other person responds, listen without interrupting. Show that you’re paying attention, maintain eye contact, and properly give them time to express their thoughts.

Stay Calm and Respectful –

Emotions can run high during difficult conversations. Keep your tone calm and respectful, even if the conversation gets heated. If either of you does get activated, suggest taking a breather and coming back when you’re more grounded. You’re each responsible for your own emotions – you’re not responsible for the other person’s. But if emotions are flaring, the dialogue won’t be productive. So take a breather and come back.

Empathise –

Listen intentionally to understand things from their perspective. It doesn’t mean you have to agree, but if you want to move things forward they *have* to feel they’ve been seen and heard. Empathy can defuse tension and foster a more open and honest dialogue. Let them know it matters to you where they’re at with this issue.

Find Common Ground –

Focus on what you both want to achieve from the conversation. Picture rather than facing off opposite each other, you’re actually beside each other, looking at a table in front of you; you each name what matters to you here and what you need from the conversation. Then you work together to find a solution where both perspectives are respected. 

Finding mutual goals can help you navigate the discussion more effectively and reach a positive outcome.

Reflective Questions –

❓ How do you feel after a difficult but necessary conversation?

❓ What strategies help you stay calm and respectful during tough talks?

❓ How can you show empathy even when you disagree?

For more strategies on handling difficult conversations, read this article: How To Have Difficult Conversations Without Burning Bridges.