Public speaking, with confidence

Public Speaking with Confidence

“Confidence is not about being perfect. It’s about being real.”

Understand Your Fear –

Public speaking can be daunting, but recognizing why it makes you nervous is the first step. Is it fear of judgment, making mistakes, or something else? Identifying this can help you address it head-on.

Prepare Thoroughly –

Know your material inside out. This doesn’t mean memorising every word but being comfortable with the content. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel.

Visualise Success –

Before stepping up, visualise yourself speaking confidently and the audience responding positively. This mental rehearsal can boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.

Start Small –

If you’re new to public speaking, start with smaller groups. Gradually increase the size of your audience as you build confidence. Each success will make the next step easier.

Breathe and Pause –

Deep breathing can help calm your nerves. Remember, it’s okay to pause during your speech. Pauses can emphasise points and give you a moment to collect your thoughts.

Embrace Imperfection –

No one expects you to be perfect. If you stumble or forget something, it’s okay. Most of the time, the audience won’t even notice. Focus on delivering your message, not on being flawless.

Reflective Questions –

❓ What makes you most nervous about public speaking?

❓ How do you feel when you finish a successful speech?

❓ What small steps can you take to build your public speaking skills?

For more advice on public speaking, check out this insightful TED Talk: Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are.