The Speakeasy Bench

Presenting with Impact

Make Your Message Stick

“Presentation is the art of simplicity.”

Know Your Audience –

It’s essential to understand who you’re talking to. Tailor your message to their interests, knowledge level, and what they care about. Doing so will help you connect more effectively and ensure your key points hit home.

Practice Makes Perfect –

Rehearsing your presentation multiple times helps build confidence and smooth out any rough edges. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself or ask a mate for feedback. This isn’t about memorising your speech but becoming familiar with the flow.

Engage Your Audience –

Use eye contact, and body language, and vary your tone to keep your audience engaged. Ask questions, use anecdotes, or even a bit of humour to make your presentation memorable.

Use Visuals Wisely –
Visual aids can enhance your message, but they shouldn’t be the star of the show. Use them to support your points, not distract from them. Keep slides simple and uncluttered.

Be Authentic –

Your genuine passion for the topic will shine through and resonate with your audience. Don’t be afraid to show some personality and care out loud about the area of your subject that you feel strongly about. Humans connect to humans – it makes you relatable and your message more impactful.

Reflective Questions –

❓ How does it feel when your audience is truly engaged?
❓ What techniques work best for you in capturing attention?
❓ How do you handle nerves before presenting?

For more tips on creating impactful presentations, check out this article from TED: How to Make a Great Presentation.